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錘式破碎機(hammer crusher)是目前廣泛應用于礦山,化工,冶金,建材,電力等行業(yè)的常用的破碎設備。其中,錘頭是主要的易磨損件,錘頭的好壞直接影響了破碎機的破碎效率。




錘式破碎機(hammer crusher)錘頭在工作期間,除受到撞擊外,還受到物料的沖擊,這樣長期反復使用,錘頭的工作面就會受到破壞,使表面形狀發(fā)生變化。影響錘頭壽命的因素:

















How to extend the hammer crusher hammers life


Hammer crusher (hammer crusher) is now widely used in mines, chemical industry, metallurgy, building materials, electric power industries of the commonly used broken equipment. Among them, the hammer is the main easy wear parts, hammer a direct impact on the crusher of crushing efficiency.


The present hammer crusher hammers most is made from high manganese steel production and become. Because of high manganese steel enough wear resistance, abrasion resistance is poor, service life is short, so need to change frequently.


Hammer crusher (hammer crusher) hammer in the course of work, in addition to the hit, but also by the impact of the material, so that long-term use repeatedly, hammer face will damage, make the surface shape change. Impact hammer life of factors:


1. Hammer the structure design and product quality


Hammer the structure design and geometry shape on the mechanical properties of the heat treatment and internal metallographic organization has very big effect. Especially the size of the hammer thickness, the influence is more outstanding. According to the different material hammer fracture failure form analysis, we can conclude that cause hammer the main causes of fracture is its internal surface or there exists different degree of defects. Due to the existence of the defect, make the most of the hammer in the use of initial fracturing phenomenon. Therefore, in the hammer and render the firstborn should be established, the reasonable casting and heat treatment process.


2. Hammer crusher technical parameters


Hammer crusher technology parameters can also affect the service life of the hammer, of which the main ones are rotor power and speed. They are not only related to the crusher of production, but also related to hammer the extent of the impact hardening. Hammer head impact hardening degree good, its service life can be extended.


3. Have broken the fragmentation and hardness materials


The greater the block material, its toughness required for the high, and the higher the hardness materials, to hammer materials required for the high hardness. Specific types of crusher shall apply suitable for material of particle size, it will extend to a certain extent the service life of the hammer.


4. Hammer crusher internal clearance adjustment


Hammer crusher internal clearance is mainly refers to turn back board, plasma and article labyrinth and hammer the gap between. The gap between the size, will be related to the article labyrinth and near a product safety door whether material. If the product material existence, and hammer cannot will accumulate material from the article labyrinth press, hammer head can be severely friction and wear. Therefore, in the use process, must often adjust each part clearance, that it is in proper scope.


上一篇: 易拉罐粉碎機廠家









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